Be careful when relationships shift gears regardless

If the gear wheel apart relationship so be careful in running the vehicle. Usually the release of the relationship between the gear wheels are common at the time of acceleration, braking or gas pedal is released suddenly. Moreover, vibration, shock and poor road conditions can aggravate the situation. The following is the main cause of the escape wheel gears relationship:
• Wear and tear / errors in setting the gears in the transfer system.
• Wear and tear / change the shape of the wheel fork shifting gears.
• Locking gear shifting fork shaft is less than perfect.
• Wear and tear on the teeth of gears and gear teeth axle gears.
• The occurrence of damage to the pads.
Actions you need to do while driving is: hold the gear shaft to prevent loss of connection gears and gear wheels are not moving to a neutral position. Therefore do not delay to bring your vehicle to the garage subscription.

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