Maintaining air conditioning is actually easy and can be done yourself. To keep the air conditioner cold, check the air conditioner periodically once a year. As a saving measure, you should turn off the AC switch so you don't waste it when the engine is turned on. Here are the parts of the air conditioner that need to be considered in the maintenance step:
1. AC hose / AC Hose Check the hose / hose for leaks or not because leaks can cause the air conditioner to not cool down.
2. Receiver / Dryer Check whether the receiver / dryer is still fit for use or should be replaced. Pay attention to the indicators. If there is damage and it is not quickly replaced, over time the damage will spread to other equipment such as expansion valves, compressors, etc.
3. Lubricant: check whether the lubricant needs to be added.
4. Condenser: as a heat exchange / hot air circulation place to move, this section must be cleaned. Accumulated dirt can reduce cold air.
5. Cooling unit: Check the cooling unit for leaks. If it gets dirty, clean it immediately, because if this part is dirty, the cold power will not penetrate because the walls of the unit are covered with thick dirt. If it is so it can cause rust and if one day it is cleaned there can be a leak.
6. Check whether gas and freon are lacking. Don't over-fill and don't run short. To fill the freon / gas must be checked first by the AC service workshop.
7. Evavorator: also check this part and clean it from dirt.