How to Know the clutch plates are depleted shelf life.

Use the clutch on the vehicle can not be predicted when its use.Because it depends on vehicle usage and driver behavior. However, it must gradually be eroded  thin-plate clutch. Symptoms felt the pull of the car becomes sluggish or not powered, although the gas in the hitch.
In cars with automatic transmission, signs of wear and tear on the clutch plates when the car is on the road, the position of the gears do not shift, even though high-rev engine.
While in a car with manual transmission, how to know the signs of the wear plate clutch is turned on the machine without running the car and put the gear lever in first gear position. Then pull the emergency brake and stepped on the brake pedal. Then, remove the stamping on the left foot on the clutch pedal slowly while pressing the brake pedal. Well, if you rev the engine stopped, it means that the clutch plates are still good and worthy life. But if the opposite happens, the clutch plates should be quickly replaced.

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