Tip - Check the Oil and Water Radiator

You've upset with the performance of your car engine? If yes, then from now you should be more concerned. For more diligent care, the possibility of car crashes in the middle of the road is also small.

Caring for the car is tricky. But if you are patient and have discipline, you can do it yourself, do not always have to be fully handed over to the mechanic.

There are several things that must be examined and considered in conducting their own care. First, you must diligently examine it carefully grease (oil) engine. The trick, pull the oil stick. Make sure the oil is at full mark.

If the oil is less, can be added up to a full mark. Not only that, the oil could be due to reduced oil leaks. For a time that you also look down. If there is seepage of oil, means that there are components that are damaged.

Screening also can be done by looking at the floor, where the car was parked. If there no trace of oil, then do not let the condition persist.

The next step feel with your fingers the oil viscosity. If it still looks clear and thick, do not rush to change the oil even if the distance exceeds 5,000 km. Conversely, if it looks watery and cloudy, oil immediately replaced with new ones, although the distance is still less than 5,000 km.

It can be caused by a jammed traffic conditions. So even though the car in the condition of stationary or moving slowly, but the engine continued to burn.

Do not forget to replace the oil filter. Replacement can be done every two times to change the engine oil or depending on the condition of your car.

After the oil affairs in order, beralihkan into water cooling radiator. Also make sure the water is always at the full rate (full). When reduced, immediately add. If it runs out of water, then the engine temperature can be high, the car was crashed.

If the above methods you may have applied, at least, reduced the risk of car crashes. You can waltz on the road with ease.

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